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Non-Pro? t Org.
US. Postage Paid
Gardiner, Maine
Permit # 10
The Post
Polio Support Group
of Maine
c/o 674 Hallowell-Litch? eld Road
West Gardiner, Maine 04345
Phone: (207) 724-3784
Information, resources,
and support for Maine
people with polio... and
their familes... since 1986.
Writer & Editor
Ann Crocker
Layout & Design
Quality Copy
Hallowell, Maine
Visit our website:
Ten Ways to Take Charge of Your Own Healthcare by Rene Jackson, RN
(Reprinted by permission from Post Polio Voice of Charlotte County, Florida, March/April 2007
1. Keep copies of all your medical records.
2. Carry a copy of your advance directives.
3. Ask questions of your physician until you are satis? ed with, and understand the answers.
4. Never sign informed consent for a procedure until you understand the risks, bene? ts, and alternatives of that
5. Educate yourself about the medications you take and why you take them.
6. Carry a list of all the medications you take.
7. Know that you have the right to refuse treatment.
8. You have the right to not be in pain.
9. Quit smoking, eat right, and exercise.
10. Educate yourself.
Thank You to Rick Meade
One of our original members, Rick Meade, has been our layout and design person for the Polio Update since its inception. In
the earlier years, he also wrote the articles. He is now retiring from his duties, and we will miss him. His quiet, unassuming
ways complemented his wealth of knowledge and skills. We wish him well in the future and THANK HIM FOR A JOB
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