
The Post Polio
Support Group Of Maine


Polio Update                 INDEX


Annual Statewide
    Seminar Summary

The PPSGM seminar was held in Augusta in October and focused on adapting to life, either as we go through it, or through special methods that we must learn.

Physical Therapist Kim Collett, from Canada, now working in Waterville, discussed various exercise programs and the way they are used depending upon the severity of the Post Polio Syndromes being treated. Also discussed were the types of rehabilitative equipment, the newer, stronger and lighter materials they're made of, and the new techniques employed in making them.

At 11 AM we had demonstrations from distributors and dealers in products designed to help people with PPS.

After lunch we heard from Reggie Arsenault about re-designing your home with an eye towards making adapting easier for you, e.g. ramps, low cupboards, etc.

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Connie Tutlis spoke on anesthesia and PPS. Virginia B. Folino of Stonington spoke on her experiences with Dr. Julie Silver at her clinic in Massachusetts, and how she's faring since her surgery for spinal stenosis.

Nancy Stambach talked on her experiences with Dr. Bruno's program which has you evaluate your every move. We heard from Disability Maine, an Internet Group that invites people to tell about their disabilities.

We held a brief Memorial Service, honoring those PPSGME members who had passed during the previous year.

The final activities were two discussion groups led by Dr. Richard Parker and Charlie Bernaccio, on~ on "Change, Resiliency and Adaptation", and the other or "Interpersonal Relationships Between Family and Friends and People with Post Polio Syndrome"

The Seminar ended at 3:30 PM
Reported by Roger Sklar

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