
The Post Polio
Support Group Of Maine


Polio Update                 INDEX

2002 Seminar Returns to

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 5, for our annual Conference. Once again, it will be at the Elk’s Club in Augusta and will feature prominent health professionals offering current information on post-polio syndrome, adaptations to our homes and daily routines, and how to cope with relationships among others and with ourselves. We hope you can make it, and share your experiences with us.

Got an idea for a conference speaker or suggestion for newsletter stories? We want to hear from you. Contact any of the Directors listed on page three and give us your thoughts.

It's a new year...

...at least in the financial world, and a new opportunity to make your donation to the Post Polio Support Group of Maine. We thank all of you who have made donations in the past. In order to provide these newsletters, conferences and other services, we need your help. Won't you take a moment to send a donation for 2002? For those of you who have already done so, we thank you. And we thank all of you for your interest and support.......

Please use this link to send us your question or comments or be added to our newsletter mailing list.
Thank you for stopping by.