The Post Polio Support Group of Maine
 c/o 674 Hallowell-Litchfield Road West Gardiner, Maine 04345 Phone: (207) 724-3784


Are you anticipating any kind of surgery in the near future? Do you want to know what special considerations should be given to polio survivors? You may find helpful a new article that has been added to our collection maintained at the Alpha One office in Augusta. It was submitted by Dr. Richard L. Bruno from the Post-Polio Institute and the International Centre for Post-Polio Education and Research in Englewood, New Jersey. Please contact any Alpha One office and request a complete copy. While the article was too long to include in this newsletter, we wanted to provide you with the pre-op checklist included at the end of the article. This has been reviewed by board members who recently underwent surgery and found the checklist quite informative. If you will be undergoing surgery, you may find this checklist helpful to take with you when you visit your doctor and undergo pre-op review.        To print this checklist select here.

Give articles to surgeon and discuss:
 Pre-op lung tests
 Possibly having lower blood volume and blood banking or bloodless surgery
 Authorization for a longer stay in the hospital
 Orders for post-op anti-vomiting medication
 Positioning on the table during surgery
 Orders for staying warm in the recovery room and use of warm blankets
 Difficulty clearing secretions in the recovery room and on the nursing unit
 Orders for increased dose of pain medication
 Physical therapy for stretching and range of motion in hospital
 Placing articles about polio in the medical chart.
Give articles to anesthesiologist and discuss:
 Any lung problems
 Lower dose of pre-op calming medication
 Lower dose of anesthetic
 Longer-term paralysis of muscles with spinal anesthetic and curare-like drugs
 Orders for post-op anti-vomiting medications
 Difficulty clearing secretions in the recovery room
Give articles to nursing supervisor and discuss:
 Longer-term sedation with anesthetic
 Difficulty clearing secretions on the nursing unit
 Orders for increased dose of pain medication
 Needing help in moving in bed and in the room
 Not standing or walking until you are fully awake and able
 Anti-embolism stockings
Meet with PPS physiatrist before surgery and discuss:
 Post-op rehabilitation plan
 Physical therapy for stretching and range of motion in hospital
 Possible admission to a rehab hospital before going home
 Physical therapy for walking and increasing endurance at home.

To print this checklist select here.


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